duck hunt library - matchups 001: mario

Matchups #01: Mario

External Resources

Mario's SSBWiki Entry
Mario's UltimateFrameData Page
SmashTube Query for Duck Hunt vs. Mario


[no description available]


Any State

  • Mario Up Special has i-frames on startup
  • F.L.U.U.D. is at full charge when Mario is flashing
  • Mario's cape is an effective reflector
  • Mario is effective at mixing up his landing timing with Nair and Jumps
  • Mario FSmash has considerable hitbox displacement
  • Fireball is weaker halfway through the full attack's duration (including Mario's windup)


  • Mario has more effective neutral options in close range than Duck Hunt
  • Duck Hunt is usually strongest at a midrange spacing
  • Mario's effective air speed is an asset for him to get in on Duck Hunt
  • Mario gets a lot of reward off successful grabs
  • Mario may use fireball to initiate neutral engagements to force the opponent to defend or avoid the option, creating resulting openings. Duck Hunt's projectiles can also be used to block fireball


  • Duck Hunt Up Air is very safe against Mario's kit from below
  • Be mindful of where you will land if you whiff, e.g. due to an airdodge, as Mario can effectively punish your landing as a reversal
  • Gunman Hitlag is effective against landing attacks; may work in conjunction with Up Smash
Ledge Trapping
  • Standard can setup on ledge and positioning at roll distance remains effective
  • Mario's hurtbox is above ledge by approximately the size of the 'M' logo on his hat.
  • [what are our effective 2-frame and ledge hang punish options?]
Edge Guarding
  • Using Shield Can on ledge (aka 'Marth Killer') can be effective versus a [misspaced?] Mario Up Special
  • Mario is very vulnerable to Can Spawn below stage when recovering
  • "If Mario ever uses his double jump off stage, just kill him" - Spin [video]


  • Mario's NAir and BAir are his offstage poke tools
  • Mario's DAir is his lingering attack tool
  • Mario's FAir has a strong meteor effect
  • Like all windboxes, F.L.U.U.D. spray refreshes Duck Jump
  • Cape can be disruptive to Duck Jump and projectile recovery techniques
  • Mario has an infamous Up Air ladder combo that finishes with Up Special
On Ledge
  • Mario's combination of ground speed and UpSmash are very effective for catching ledge getup and ledge roll
  • Two-frame attacks: Down-Tilt [more?]

Stage Selection

  • Tri-plat stages are ideal for Mario's vertical combo game

Combo Windows

Duck Hunt Combo Windows
  • UpTilt -> UpAir [%?]
  • [incomplete]
Mario Combo Windows
  • UpTilt -> UpTilt [%?]
  • UpAir -> UpAir [%?]
  • UpAir -> UpSpecial [%?]
  • [incomplete]


Game Start and Angel Platform
  • [no notes available]
Timeout Considerations
  • [no notes available]
Sudden Death
  • [no notes available]

Projectile Effectiveness

Trick Shot
  • Anchor Can effectively blocks fireball
  • Mario is particularly vulnerable to Shield Can due to a lack of disjoints
  • Like most characters, Mario can use Shield Can to bait or punish bad spawns / pings
  • Vertical can movement trajectories are usually effective when Mario is offstage
  • Control of the Can is disabled by Mario's Cape, either due to the reflection hitbox or the cape hitbox.
  • Aerial reflection can send the can downwards and explode
  • In rare instances, the cape hitbox can hit before the reflector hitbox, causing a high damage explosion on himself. Unfortunately there is no reliable way to set this up on our part as it depends on the opponent's precise positioning, but it does seem to be more common when Mario is grounded.
Clay Pigeon
  • Disc is reflectable by Mario's Cape
  • Avoid providing hop-in opportunities for Mario
Wild Gunman
  • Gunshot is reflectable by Mario's Cape
  • Outlasts fireball [by how much?]
  • Avoid using at grounded burst range

Opponent Counterplay

[no notes available]

Recommended VODs

Move Frame Advantage Comparisons

  • OOS: Up B (f3), NAir (f6), UAir (f7)
  • [incomplete]

Effective Tech and Percentage Windows

  • no media yet

Outstanding Questions

  • How does F.L.U.U.D. affect Duck Hunt's projectiles?


Written and compiled by Vultures
Not peer reviewed
Includes observations by Pyro-Is-Magic, Spin, Storkins, tater, and Wisdom

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